Shame & Trauma
If you suffer from shame it can be difficult to admit or recognise, simply for the reason that it can be deeply shaming to admit to feeling shame. However, shame can be part of someone’s daily experience, especially if they also suffer from other symptoms of relational trauma.
Many symptoms of various disorders, from depression and anxiety disorders to personality and dissociative disorders, can be linked to childhood relational trauma. Anxiety and depression can seem far stronger than your life situation warrants and you might feel dragged down even when everything seems to be going well. The anxiety and depression may seem to come from nowhere.
Chronic shame can be put down as problems with self-confidence or self-esteem. You may avoid connections with others that make you feel vulnerable, as feeling vulnerable can mean feeling shame. Although this approach will avoid the shame associated with the situation, it will not solve the underlying issues.
Counselling allows you to share and explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe, warm and non-judgmental environment. Talking to a therapist could help you to manage your life differently or support you in developing coping strategies, as well as helping you to discover what is important to you, so you can live the kind of life you really want.

Next Steps.........
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