Individual Counselling

For me, counselling is all about building a trustworthy relationship with my clients. This allows the client to open up through talking and get the most out of their session. I strive to create sessions that are held in a safe, professional and non-judgemental environment.

My role is to listen and deepen my client's experience in the room by allowing them to come to realisations about their lives and relationships; not just in the counselling room, but outside the room too.

So often, what happens in the counselling room reflects what is happening to a client in their everyday relationships. I see my job as enabling clients to see the correlation between our discussions and their everyday lives. Everyone’s life experience is unique and I ensure that every session reflects on that.

Anxiety and Depression

When circumstances in life become overwhelming and seem unmanageable, depression and anxiety can often follow as a response. You may feel a loss of connection and control, or start to develop negative beliefs and attitudes.

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Guilt is an emotion that can lead us to better ourselves. If an action causes harm to another, guilt, and consequently remorse, will lead to an apology, efforts to right the wrong and a feeling of not wanting to repeat the action and do better in the future.

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Shame & Trauma

If you suffer from shame it can be difficult to admit or recognise, simply for the reason that it can be deeply shaming to admit to feeling shame. However, shame can be part of someone’s daily experience, especially if they also suffer from other

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Past situations that were traumatic or difficult can result in us constantly thinking or fantasising about them; in extreme cases to the point it becomes severe and debilitating, leading to a breakdown of daily functions. This extreme end of the spectrum is..............................

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Loss and Grief

When we think of loss or grief, we think of the death of someone close to us, or someone who has had an impact on our lives. However it is possible to feel a sense of loss or grief about anything, physical or emotional, that we once had but have no longer...................

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Other reasons

You may decide to see a counsellor for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are facing a life changing event that has created a severe emotional reaction, or you are experiencing feelings of depression and isolation, low self-esteem or suffering from feelings of anxiety....................

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Next Steps.........

I have created a page for prospective clients, outlining how my sessions work. Hopefully it will give you all the information you need. If not, please do take a look at my FAQ page, or contact me with any questions you may have.